In this pinball adventure, players will transform into their favorite Super Heroes as they battle Thanos and his minions across the cosmos.  On his unrelenting quest for intergalactic omnipotent power, it’s a race to hunt down and recover the six Infinity Gems before Thanos gets his hands on them.  With an Avengers tower that defies gravity and a spinning portal disc, this game will be a sure hit to elevate your space!

Avengers Infinity Quest Flyer Rent a Game
  • KF-avengertower-160x127

    Avengers Tower with magnet that makes the ball defy gravity!

  • KF-disc-160x127

    Dr. Strange kinetic spinning disc with dual direction velocity detection.

  • KF-aiq-3targetbank-160x127

    3 target drop bank with Avengers bingo grid serving up awards!

  • kf-aiq-gauntlet

    Thanos Infinity Guantlet with interactive Gem Stones!

The gameplay is straight out of a comic book!